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Pouch [porch] has delivered a "cute fun little strange!" In month three million maidens of everyone

つらいとき、悲しいとき、癒されたいときに読んで欲しい、編集部が総力あげて選び抜いた脱力満点な情報が満載。4コマ漫画『サチコと神ねこ様』も大人気連載中です。【テーマ・内容】グルメ、レシピ、ファッション、コスメ、美容・健康、旅行、アプリ、芸能、アニメ、 世界のヘンなニュースなど、乙女心を満たすモノすべて【Pouch[ポーチ]のアプリでできること】・新着記事をまとめ読み・人気ライターの記事だけを表示できます・読みたいカテゴリの記事だけの表示もできますあなたの大切なポーチにたくさんの元気をパンパンにつめこんで、明日へパワーをフルチャージ!Painful time, when sad, I want to read when you want to be healed, weakness perfect score of information is packed to the editing unit was carefully selected by taking all-out. Four-frame comic "Sachiko and God cat-like" is also very popular series in.[Theme and content]Gourmet, recipes, fashion, cosmetics, beauty and health, travel, app, entertainment, animation, such as the world of the strange news, all things that meet the girls mind[Pouch What you can do with application of [porch]]- New article digest- You can only display the popular writer of the article- I want to read you can also display the only category of the articleIs stuffed a lot of vigor in Pampanga to your big porch, full charge the power to tomorrow!不具合を修正しパフォーマンスを改善しました。